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National Tree of India Tree png of Banyan

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Banyan is a National tree of country and it's a national identity of our country and is know has a symbol tree of the country

National tree of India is also know as Banyan Tree ( Ficus bengalensis ) , The root of Banyan tree are look like new Tree of Banyan root and it's covered large area of place and also in Hindu Religion Banyan is symbol of pic or Good Relationship

The tree png of Banyan tree , the root of tree is creating a new branches look like Banyan tree is used to Create a medicine etc. The Banyan tree is most of grow in villages or Forests for ancient time only , Today's only Village people meet under the Banyan tree and council meeting under the shado of tree

Moraceae is a family of Banyan tree and It's found all over the country , Ficus Bengalensis it's a scientific name of the Banyan tree in Kolkata found the largest tree in India

The banyan is part of the coat of arms of Indonesia and it's also symbol of unity in Indonesia one country with many far-flung roots.

In this Post I have show your about national tree of india png tree of national tree

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